Try the ultra soft comfortable wipes, now with a re sealable flip top to keep your wipes moist. Plus, the stylish packaging looks good wherever you decide to put it—or wherever you take it. That’s because this little soft pack is hugely portable, so you can take it with you
Try the ultra soft comfortable wipes, now with a re sealable flip top to keep your wipes moist. Plus, the stylish packaging looks good wherever you decide to put it—or wherever you take it. That’s because this little soft pack is hugely portable, so you can take it with you, to enjoy the go, on the go Pair with your favorite bag for an extra clean finish because those who go with ultra soft comfortable wipes really enjoy the go
Cleanliness is cleaner than using dry toilet paper alone
Disposable comfortable fresh wipes
With the multi-layer purification and filtration process, baby use it more healthily
Sensitive, soft, hypoallergenic, free from dry alcohols, para hydroxybenzoates, or sulfates
Moisturize with lotion, very soft